
React Native brings React's declarative UI framework to iOS and Android. With React Native, you use native UI controls and have full access to the native platform.

The Nx Plugin for React Native contains generators for managing React Native applications and libraries within an Nx workspace. It provides:

  • Integration with libraries such as Jest, Detox, and Storybook.
  • Scaffolding for creating buildable libraries that can be published to npm.
  • Utilities for automatic workspace refactoring.

Setting Up React Native

Create a New Workspace

To create a new workspace with React Native, run the following command:


npx create-nx-workspace@latest your-workspace-name --preset=react-native --appName=your-app-name

Don't know what you need?

You can also run the command without arguments to go through the interactive prompts.


npx create-nx-workspace your-workspace-name


Keep Nx Package Versions In Sync

Make sure to install the @nx/react-native version that matches the version of nx in your repository. If the version numbers get out of sync, you can encounter some difficult to debug errors. You can fix Nx version mismatches with this recipe.

In any Nx workspace, you can install @nx/react-native by running the following command:


nx add @nx/react-native

This will install the correct version of @nx/react-native.

How @nx/react-native Infers Tasks

Inferred Tasks

Since Nx 18, Nx plugins can infer tasks for your projects based on the configuration of different tools. You can read more about it at the Inferred Tasks concept page.

The @nx/react-native plugin will create a task for any project that has an app configuration file present. Any of the following files will be recognized as an app configuration file:

  • app.config.js
  • app.json

View Inferred Tasks

To view inferred tasks for a project, open the project details view in Nx Console or run nx show project my-project --web in the command line.

@nx/react-native Configuration

The @nx/react-native/plugin is configured in the plugins array in nx.json.

1{ 2 "plugins": [ 3 { 4 "plugin": "@nx/react-native/plugin", 5 "options": { 6 "startTargetName": "start", 7 "podInstallTargetName": "pod-install", 8 "bundleTargetName": "bundle", 9 "runIosTargetName": "run-ios", 10 "runAndroidTargetName": "run-android", 11 "buildIosTargetName": "build-ios", 12 "buildAndroidTargetName": "build-android" 13 } 14 } 15 ] 16} 17

Once a React Native configuration file has been identified, the targets are created with the name you specify under startTargetName, podInstallTargetName, bundleTargetName, runIosTargetName, runAndroidTargetname, buildIosTargetName or buildAndroidTargetName in the nx.json plugins array. The default names for the inferred targets are start, pod-install, bundle, run-ios, run-android, build-ios and build-android.

Generating Applications

To create additional React Native apps run:


nx g @nx/react-native:app apps/<your-app-name>

Generating Libraries

To generate a new library run:


nx g @nx/react-native:lib libs/<your-lib-name>

Generating Components

To generate a new component inside library run:


nx g @nx/react-native:component <component-path> --export

Replace <component-directory> with the directory where you want to place the component. It must be a path to a directory relative to the workspace root and located inside the library project root.

Upgrade React Native

The Nx CLI provides the migrate command to help you stay up to date with the latest version of Nx.

Use upgrade-native Generator

To upgrade native iOS and Android code to latest, you can use the upgrade-native generator:


nx generate @nx/react-native:upgrade-native apps/<your-app-name>

This is a command that will replace the iOS and Android native code folder entirely.

Upgrade Manually

You can also upgrade React Native iOS and Android code using the rn-diff-purge project.

Start Metro Server

To start the server that communicates with connected devices:


nx start <your-app-name>

Run iOS

To build your app and start it on iOS simulator or device:


nx run-ios <your-app-name>

Run Android

To build your app and start it on a connected Android emulator or device:


nx run-android <your-app-name>

Build iOS

To build an iOS app:


nx build-ios <your-app-name>

The build artifacts will be located under <your app folder>/ios/build.

You can specify the build folder by setting the buildFolder option:


nx build-ios <your-app-name> --buildFolder="./build"

Build Android

To build an Android app, run:


nx build-android <your app name>

The build artifacts will be located under <your app folder>/android/app/build.

More Documentation

Package reference

Here is a list of all the executors, generators and migrations available from this package.



  • run-android

    Runs Android application.

  • run-ios

    Runs iOS application.

  • bundle

    Builds the JavaScript bundle for offline use.

  • build-android

    Release Build for Android.

  • build-ios

    Build iOS app

  • start

    Starts the Javascript server that communicates with connected devices.

  • sync-deps

    Syncs dependencies to package.json (required for autolinking).

  • ensure-symlink

    Ensure workspace node_modules is symlink under app's node_modules folder.

  • storybook

    Serve React Native Storybook.

  • pod-install

    Run pod install in the ios directory.

  • upgrade

    upgrade executor


  • initInternal

    Initialize the @nx/react-native plugin.

  • application

    Create a React Native application.

  • library

    Create a React Native library.

  • component

    Create a React Native component.

  • storybook-configuration

    Set up Storybook for a React Native application or library.

  • component-story

    Generate Storybook story for a React Native component.

  • stories

    Create stories for all components declared in an application or library.

  • upgrade-native

    Destructive command to upgrade native iOS and Android code to latest.

  • web-configuration

    Set up web configuration for a React Native app

  • convert-to-inferred

    Convert existing React Native project(s) using @nx/react-native:* executors to use @nx/react-native/plugin. Defaults to migrating all projects. Pass '--project' to migrate only one target.


  • 20.3.x

  • 20.3.0-package-updates

    Version: 20.3.0-beta.0


    NameVersionAlways Add to package.json
    react-native~0.76.3Update only
    @react-native-community/cli~15.0.1Add if not installed
    @react-native-community/cli-platform-android~15.0.1Add if not installed
    @react-native-community/cli-platform-ios~15.0.1Add if not installed
    @react-native/babel-preset~0.76.3Update only
    @react-native/metro-config~0.76.3Update only
    react-native-web~0.19.13Update only
    react~18.3.1Update only
    react-dom~18.3.1Update only
    react-test-renderer~18.3.1Update only
    @types/react~18.3.12Update only
    @types/react-dom~18.3.1Update only
    @testing-library/react-native~12.9.0Update only
    react-native-svg-transformer~1.5.0Update only
    react-native-svg~15.8.0Update only
    react-native-svg-web~1.0.9Update only
    @babel/runtime~7.26.0Update only
  • 19.6.x

  • update-19-6-0-rename-upgrade-target-name

    Rename upgrade target name to fix casing.

    Version: 19.6.0-beta.1
  • 19.5.x

  • 19.5.0-package-updates

    Version: 19.5.0-beta.0


    NameVersionAlways Add to package.json
    react-native-svg15.3.0Update only
  • 19.2.x

  • 19.2.0-package-updates

    Version: 19.2.0-beta.2


    NameVersionAlways Add to package.json
    react-native0.74.1Update only
    @react-native-community/cli-platform-android~13.6.6Update only
    @react-native/babel-preset^0.74.83Update only
    @react-native/metro-config^0.74.83Update only
    react-native-web^0.19.11Update only
    @testing-library/react-native~12.5.0Update only
    react-native-svg15.2.0Update only
    @babel/runtime7.24.5Update only
  • 19.0.x

  • 19.0.0-package-updates

    Version: 19.0.0-beta.7


    NameVersionAlways Add to package.json
    react-native0.73.6Update only
    @react-native-community/cli-platform-android~12.3.6Update only
    @react-native/babel-preset^0.73.21Update only
    @react-native/metro-config^0.73.5Update only
    react-native-web^0.19.10Update only
    @testing-library/react-native~12.4.5Update only
    react-native-svg-transformer1.3.0Update only
    react-native-svg15.1.0Update only
    @babel/runtime7.24.4Update only
  • 18.0.x

  • update-18-0-0-add-web-configuration

    Add web configuration to react native projects

    Version: 18.0.0-beta.0


    Upgrade react native storybook target to use web

    Version: 18.0.0-beta.0


    Remove blockList in metro.config.js.

    Version: 18.0.0-beta.0


    Remove metro-* and @react-native-community/cli-* from package.json devDependencies

    Version: 18.0.0-beta.0


    Remove ensure-symlink target

    Version: 18.0.0-beta.0


    Add upgrade target to react native projects

    Version: 18.0.0-beta.0


    Version: 18.0.0-beta.0


    NameVersionAlways Add to package.json
    react-native0.73.2Update only
    @react-native/babel-preset^0.73.18Update only
    @react-native/metro-config^0.73.2Update only
    @types/react~18.2.45Update only
    @testing-library/react-native~12.4.2Update only
    react-native-svg-transformer1.2.0Update only
    react-native-svg14.1.0Update only
    @react-native-community/cli-platform-android12.3.0Update only
  • 17.3.x

  • 17.3.0-package-updates

    Version: 17.3.0-beta.3


    NameVersionAlways Add to package.json
    @types/node18.16.9Update only
  • 17.1.x

  • 17.1.0-package-updates

    Version: 17.1.0-beta.1


    NameVersionAlways Add to package.json
    react-native0.72.6Update only
    metro0.76.8Update only
    metro-resolver0.76.8Update only
    metro-config0.76.8Update only
    metro-react-native-babel-preset0.76.8Update only
    metro-babel-register0.76.8Update only
    metro-react-native-babel-transformer0.76.7Update only
    @react-native-community/cli11.3.7Update only
    @react-native-community/cli-platform-android11.3.7Update only
    @react-native-community/cli-platform-ios11.3.7Update only